Having spent years waxing my bikini line, arranging my waxing appointments around going on a night out, playing sports, going swimming and making sure there was enough growth before a holiday wax, I decided to look at having laser hair removal.  I had laser hair removal around 14 years ago on my bikini line, it was not as successful as one had hoped for.  There were small patches where the hair did not return, but much bigger areas where the hair had returned.  Obviously this was some time ago and as science advances there are bound to be better, more effective lasers on the market today.  I started to do some research and found that there are lots of different lasers on the market, some even claiming to be pain free treatments.  For my skin type an Alexandrite Laser is said to be the best for removing hair, the single laser beam penetrates deep enough to target the hair bulb and destroy it along with the hair follicle which means the hair can’t grow back.  Sounds great, now all I need to do is find someone who has an Alexandrite Laser and away I go.

On contacting several beauty salons, I find they all want to treat me but not all have the Alexandrite Laser, I am bombarded with jargon and terms I don’t understand.  I learn about Diode Lasers and IPL’s which all claim to do the job, but my friend has warned me to stay clear of IPL’s, she had been going for treatment every month for over a year and her hair has still not gone.  She tells me about a local clinic called Renatus, she had gone there when she was not seeing results from her IPL treatment.  She had a test patch and a free consultation and after just two treatments she had seen a vast improvement. I searched on the internet and found Renatus Clinic, it looked great, there was lots of information on their site about laser hair removal, from the look of the clinic I was expecting it to be really expensive but bikini started from just £80.

During my free consultation I was given information about how the laser worked, what I could expect and I had the opportunity to ask questions.  As a result of waxing I frequently got in-growing hairs around my bikini line, causing large infected spots which were very uncomfortable and unsightly, Natalie, the laser practitioner informed me that these would greatly improve as a result of having Laser Hair Removal.  I was given a test patch to make sure that I was suitable for treatment.  As they have a machine that blows cold air onto the skin as they fire the laser there was hardly any pain, certainly nothing like I had experienced 14 years ago.  The staff were very professional, there was no hard sell, Natalie explained that I would need to complete the course to get the best results but I was not expected to lay out all the money upfront.

Two weeks after my first treatment, the hairs started to fall away from my bikini line and by the time I was due for another treatment I could see a difference.  Over the last six months I have now had five treatments and I am nearing the end of my course.  I just have the odd hair now, it is nothing like it used to be, the hairs also come back much finer and I have not had any ingrowing hairs during that time.  So no more arranging waxing appointments for me, I’m good to go, now I just have to work out which part of me I’m going to laser next.

For more information contact Renatus Clinic on 01788 810 041 or contact us via email.


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